As part of the ambitious project to construct a new three storey building on the site of the existing Police headquarters at Sherwood Lodge in Arnold that will be now home to both Nottinghamshire Police and Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service.
The contractor Gleeds called upon LPS to develop a lighting scheme for a new access road, car parking, woodland footpaths, and a new parade square in front of the new building.
Careful consideration was required as the new circular access road was located close to established woodland and we had to ensure that the lighting had little impact on the wildlife, especially bats.
The roadways and car park lighting was designed with 50w Keno lantern on 6 metres columns and Nivo bollards were used to light the footpath through the wooded area. Both luminaires have excellent directional control with no direct upward light to keep any light pollution to minimum.
To protect wildlife a Warm White LED colour temperature. Futhermore, All the column luminaires also installed with a Mymesh lighting node and wireless PIR sensors, which enable the site to be split into 5 different zones. The luminaires are set to dim to 10% after 10 minutes if no motion was detected from pedestrians or vehicles.
The site is in operation 24/7, but the Mymesh set-up enables the site to find the optimum between having light when needed, save energy and protect wildlife.

Adrian Franks, Project Manager of Electract commented:
“We’ve been very happy with LPS once again. Who have lived up to their name and provided an excellent product and solution to the issues relating to wooded area and the need for a wireless control system. The system has been commissioned and is working effectively. We shall definitely call upon their expertise and professionalism again on other projects.”
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