Traditionally, all buildings have many intricate cabled networks that operate next to each other. It is very hard to tap into these because they are cabled with different communication protocols. However, Mymesh is completely wireless, omnipresent and combines multiple protocols into one network.
Lights are everywhere and because of that, so is the Mymesh network. This characteristic makes Mymesh the ideal solution to tap into as your products immediately become ready for the next technological revolution; IoT.
Typical areas that Mymesh covers:
The Mymesh protocol can be added to your products by installing the Nordic chip or uploading the Mymesh software. Installed, your product is able to communicate with the other devices in the Mymesh network. New Paragraph
Mymesh uses a banking level of security with encrypted digital communication and strong offline procedures. It was specially designed to safeguard all the demands of the public, work and industrial space. It's the reason why Mymesh is the choice
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