
IHEEM 2024

Are you Switched On?


"Exploring Asset Management, Legionella Compliance, Funding Strategies, and the Interoperability of Cutting-Edge Smart Building Solutions for the NHS"

Venue: London

Date/Time: TBC

Speakers: TBC

Discover what Mymesh can do for your environment



Mymesh - a cost effective, wireless building services backbone

Healthcare buildings cover a wide range of archetypes from sprawling hospitals to smaller community buildings. In every case, there are opportunities to embrace the latest developments in LED lighting as a way improve the lit environment, improve the well-being of stakeholders, whilst cutting energy consumption, costs and carbon footprint.


The challenges however, in addition to the constraints of achieving lighting controls without extensive wiring, are more extensive. From the challenging wireless environment associated with life critical systems through to the flexibility of the needs across a broad range of functional spaces from in-patient rooms, to waiting areas through to circulation routes.


Building on our experiences and delivering solutions in the healthcare sector, we have overcome all of these challenges, demonstrating compliance in gaining NHS wireless policy approvals, whilst proving true flexibility in lighting controls as well as emergency lighting testing and monitoring at scale. 


And there are more significant benefits the Healthcare sector can realise from the deployment of a secure, resilient Mymesh network. By leveraging real-time data and the knowledge of lighting locations, the ability to track assets becomes a possibility – whether high value medical equipment or key personnel, asset tracking is seen as a valuable service to many Healthcare clients – improving insights, increasing efficiencies, reducing costs.


But the possibilities extend even further, we are already working towards location based services where every connected light becomes a beacon to a smart device, enabling patients and visitors the ability to way find through hospitals more effectively, proving real-time, contextual information, enhancing customer experience and making healthcare buildings more engaging.


The possibilities are endless in delivering smarter healthcare buildings.


  • Patient rooms
  • Wards
  • Day rooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Circulation areas
  • High Dependency Rooms
  • Waiting areas
  • Stairwells
  • Entrances
  • Car park (multi-storey / external)
  • Ancillary areas


Visit us on the Healthcare Estates - Stand D8
David Crane

“Mymesh has enabled GSTT to significantly reduce energy consumption and associated carbon, whilst delivering a cost effective solution to delivering emergency lighting compliance.”

David Crane, Associate Director of Estates

Asset Tracking

Hospital beds are expensive assets., both in initial and maintenance cost. They need regular servicing to maintain performance and warranty. The problem is that beds are mobile and can be anywhere in the hospital, making it very difficult to find.

Bed tracking enables hospitals to monitor real-time bed occupancy, identify vacancies, and allocate them to incoming patients, reducing wait times and maximizing capacity.

Asset tracking
L8 compliance

L8 Compliance

Legionella compliance is one of the large challenges for Healthcare Estates. The typical procedure is flushing each tap every week and measuring and recording the temperature. This is a massive drain on resources: operatives flushing, administrative personnel keeping record and managers to oversee the complex operation. Furthermore, approximately 30% of all water usage is literally going down the drain in this process.

This can be done much more effective & efficiently. Using wireless technology to automatically monitor taps all flushing is registered automatically in the Compliance Dashboard. Manual flushing is only required for taps that have not been used.



Hospitals are large and complex estates. The healthcare sector loses a lot of money on missed appointments. In many cases, this is not because people do not turn up, but because they can not find the correct location of the appointment.

Each Mymesh asset can be a wireless beacon in your building. This creates a very fine network of beacons that can place a wayfinding App in the space. What's more, Mymesh can do this securely, so no logon is required, avoiding GDPR issues. With continuous changing security keys a handshake ensures that the  location is 100% verified in space and time.

emergency lighting compliance

Emergency Lighting

Emergency Lighting is required in buildings to avoid darkness when the general lighting fails. Emergency lighting should operate automatically and result in sufficient lighting levels to evacuate safely. The British Standard BS 5266-1 gives clear guidelines on how to design and install emergency lighting. Testing forms an essential part of the statutory compliance requirements.

Mymesh can monitor, test and report on the emergency lighting. Next to giving a foundation for compliance, it also delivers significant savings on the maintenance. Both by eliminating the manual monthly and yearly testing, but also by providing the information for 'first fix engineering'. The system tells you immediately when it fails, why it fails and where it is located. Moreover, it confirms when a fault is cleared.

For many clients, the Emergency lighting alone already provides the business case for the investment.


Energy Savings

Upgrading conventional fluorescent lighting to LED delivers significant energy savings. But it does not stop there. A control system adds another 50% on top of this. High-end trimming delivers typically 20-30%, while meeting all the design parameters of the design. Presence detection and day-light dimming can add another 30-40%.

Furthermore, dimming LED lighting extends the lifetime of the asset. Not only do you save on energy, you also extend the life of the installation, Avoiding unnecessary replacement cost and waste.

energy saving

Improving peoples lives

by making buildings smart

The average person will spend 41 years of their life working. The productivity of that time is strongly related to the environment where you work.

So, wouldn't it be better for the environment to adapt around you, rather than you to it?

With Mymesh, this dream becomes a possibility.


Mymesh Healthcare projects

by Connor Felstead 7 October 2024
St Thomas’ Hospital expands with The Core
by Jasper Hijink 12 September 2024
Unipart - NHS Supply Chain warehouse
by Jasper Hijink 11 September 2024
Norwich Community Hospital's new £19.2m wing
by Ray Molony 5 September 2024
St Thomas’ Hospital reuses lights and adds intelligence in major upgrade
by Jasper Hijink 3 August 2024
New Berwick Community Hospital
by Jasper Hijink 1 April 2024
Over 19,000 light bulbs to be replaced at Peterborough City Hospital
by Connor Felstead 19 May 2023
St Thomas' plant rooms emergency monitoring, and evolving smart controls
by Connor Felstead 5 April 2023
Lewisham Hospital Maternity Ward, Wash rooms and adjoining areas
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